Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Working Out

Last week I started off with the goal of making sure that I got all of my Insanity workouts in- 6 days! And I did it! By Thursday, I had the attitude of, "ugh! I don't like this workout! We shouldn't do it!" And sadly, we didn't do that particular workout- but we did do that abs one.. still a challenge! And even though it's only Tuesday- we're doing good!

I'm supposed to get my orders this week which will be a huge load off my shoulders! Then we can start going through some checklists and get to packing and organizing.  I hate packing! Boxes, rubbermaid containers, whatever it is- I don't like it! Tyler doesn't think we have a whole lot to actually put in boxes.. I think otherwise.  Roughly 6 more weeks!

I'm looking for some cheap, easy, and healthy meals to make for breakfast and dinners- but it's hard on such a tight budget! I want to start making smoothies- and I've found a few that I can fit in, but Tyler won't drink them.  He needs to have a higher caloric intake than I do.  But I also need protein because of the intensity of our workouts and I know that I just don't get enough protein on a daily basis.

Next time I'm on here.. or maybe now since I'm just sitting at the Ford dealership waiting for our car... I want to put up some pictures from our Honeymoon! I haven't even done that on Facebook! I think I'll do that first!

Oh! I'm listening to my Disney station on Pandora and Beauty and the Beast is on.  I found the best thing ever the other day! Beauty and the Beast on Broadway is going to be in Wichita the ENTIRE month of September! AGH!! SOOO EXCITED!!

Okay.. time to do some honeymoon picture posting!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Project 52 Update!

Well, I haven't been able to be online quite as often as I had originally hoped, but when you don't have internet at home- what are you to do? Work with whatchya got!

Anywho- Tyler and I have done really well with our Insanity workout! We're almost done with Week 2 and seeing improvements, which is always exciting! I made 5 1/2 dozen cupcakes last Saturday for Grandma Wade's 80th birthday party.  I made some german chocolate, vanilla, and marble.  All 65 from scratch with homemade frosting.  I was VERY tired by the time I was done.. at 10pm! But it was a lot of fun! I was so proud of myself.  Trying to determine what I want to tackle this weekend, a dessert? A meal? Or a craft?

We got a call today saying that the apartment complex in Derby, Kansas has an apartment available for move-in in March! How exciting!!! The Lord truly does work in mysterious ways! Just gotta have faith that He will continue to make things work out for us, despite what our current circumstances may be.  Just gotta keep doing what I'm doing and keep up with my faith! I know it'll all work out.. how? Haven't quite figured that out yet, but I know it will somehow.

The closer March gets here, the more excited I get for this move.  And at the same time- the more surreal it is.  I'm going to be a 2d Lt in the USAF and getting paid for it! I'm going to have some MAJOR responsibilities here in a few months and have several men and women under my command! Some of them might be old enough to be my parents! Talk about intimidating! But I can do it!

Tyler's still working right along at getting ready for SF.  I told him that I would help in whatever way I can- and that seems to be writing quizzes for him from his 2 different handbooks.  I think I might be ready to take the 6 hour exam that he'll have to take at tryouts! We're in it together! Just like we're in my career together!

So excited and feeling extremely blessed right now!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Project 52

I got this idea from my friend Stacey who got the idea from one of her friends.  I'm setting 52 goals for the year 2012.   The idea isn't setting 52 goals but having something to work on for the 52 weeks in the year.  I loved this idea! Tyler and I had come up with a few goals for us for the year, but I really liked the idea of putting a little more thought into and going outside the box of "eat healthier, workout everyday, keep this clean, don't do this" I wanted more things to help me grow as a wife, friend, future mom, future Air Force  officer, and all around person.

I will admit that after reading Stacey's list, I liked some of her goals so much that I decided to use them as my own! Thanks Stacey! Oh! And since we don't really have a steady income and we're moving in March, I'm not going to be able to start on some of my goals until after May when the paychecks come rolling in or July when I'm back from tech school.

So, without further ado, here's my list!

1. Have full emergency kits for both cars
2. Read entire Book of Mormon
3. Complete the Insanity workout
4. Have friends over once a month for dinner/games/sports (when we move to Kansas; July-December)
5. Go to Sea World in San Diego
6. Blog at least once a week
7. Find a craft, idea, recipe and do twice a month
8. Get 1 1/2 mile run time down to 12 minutes
9. Try a new cupcake recipe twice a month
10. Have girls night out once a month (in Kansas/Texas)
11. Start journal-ing again and write at least once a week
12. Do 1 romantic thing for Tyler once a week
13. Develop and adhere to a budget for 6 months
14. Read 2 doctrinal books; Elder Bednar's "Inspirational Learning" and another one
15. Send out monthly birthday cards and on time
16. Rememorize the Articles of Faith
17. 100% Visiting Teaching for 3 months, once I have sisters to visit teach in Kansas
18. Read 10 books that aren't military related
19. Memorize the Ranger and Special Forces creeds
20. Start 2 savings accounts, 1 strictly for emergencies and 1 for the future
21. Put $100.00 into savings every month
22. Have our apartment completely together to my liking before 20 April
23. Max pushups on the PT test
24. Do 3 pullups on my own
25. Deep clean the kitchen once a month
26. Read Hunger Game series
27. Read scriptures at least 30 minutes daily
28. Donate clothes/shoes I don't wear or need anymore
29. Find and shop at a farmer's market
30. Transfer a black and white photo to a canvas
31. Get hair cut and colored 3 times
32. Skype with mom at least once a week; once I get her and teach her how to use a web cam :)
33. Finish my Beauty and the Beast cross stitch
34. Use "...and I'm a Mormon."
35. Keep kitchen sink clean of dishes
36. Register, participate, and complete a Tough Mudder race
37.  Run 10K in the Air Force marathon
38. Send "I'm thinking of you" cards to mom once a month
39. Send friendship cards to Kylie and Alison once a month
40. Drink 28 bottles of water every week
41. Take cake decorating class at Michaels
42. Do a wedding scrapbook
43. Do a "Our First Year" scrapbook
44. Out do Tyler on a 6 mile roadmarch
45. Volunteer in community/on base at least once a month
46. Organize filing cabinet for important documents
47. Plan for a Wichita, Kansas Christmas
48. Start a food storage plan for Tyler and I
49. Take a fitness class
50. Shop at the strip mall in Kansas City every other month
51. Out of the house date once a month, when we're together
52. End the year with the attitude: I did my best  this year and bring it on 2013!

It's the third week of the year, so I'm getting a little of a late start. But that's okay! I'm ready to get started!

Mom bought me a Martha Stewart cupcake book yesterday and I'm ready to start trying out those recipes! Bring it on Monday!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

New to all this!

So this is a whole new world to me.  I used to think I was pretty Internet savvy- but I feel like this is going over my head.  I want the picture to be smaller and want my title to be centered and I can't figure out how to do it! Maybe when I'm over at David and Linda's this week, Tyler can figure it out for me.  I'm way excited to be at home this weekend with mom! Tyler is at drill so that means it's Mom and Lauren time! We have a pretty fun day planned! Including Beauty and the Beast! AGH!!! Our future kids (girls) are going to be Disney girls like me!

Tyler and I started the Insanity workout yesterday and oh my goodness. We are insanely sore! Felt great to get a workout in though- even with all this snow! Our goal is to do the entire 60 day workout before we leave in March.  I'll be keeping everyone updated on our progress!

Gotta go for now! More later when I have time tonight!