Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Big Day

Tomorrow is the big day! We're moving.. the packers came Wednesday and the movers Thursday.  Let me tell you- that's definitely the way to go! I don't think we will ever move ourselves! Why not take advantage of it, right?

It's been a difficult week.  I broke down last weekend, dinner Monday with Alison, Tanner, Brad, Lainey, and Tyler (G) at Texas Roadhouse, and then just seeing our lives be put into boxes and then a semi.  And then yesterday saying goodbye to the farm and animals.. it's silly- I know- but when you see them everyday since August and then periodically for the last almost 3 years- what else am I supposed to do? It's hard.  It was hard for Tyler too.. everything really sank in for him yesterday when I left. We think that the reason is that the last time we left for home- for college and the Army- we knew it was temporary.. that we were going to be back.  But this time it's different.  We're married now, starting careers, and honestly have no intentions on coming back to live in Illinois. It's going to a difficult week next week too.  We'll be in a completely new city knowing nobody and I'm starting work at the base.  SCARY!!!

I bought mom a webcam yesterday to make it easier for us.  And I ordered her some flowers to be delivered to the bank on Tuesday.  Something that will brighten up her day.  Tomorrow is going to be really hard for both of us.. makes me kinda wish that Tyler and I weren't taking 2 cars. I'm definitely going to need him! I'm glad that he's coming here though before we head off- then we can sleep together tomorrow night at our stopping point, wherever that may be.  And that's something we're both going to need- each other.

Glad that I'm at home this weekend though.  We're going to just sacrament tomorrow morning- Elder Bednar is going to be here. I can't exactly turn down church when one of the 12 apostles is going to be there. OH! I almost forgot! Kansas City is only about 3 hours from Wichita. The Kansas City Temple is having it's open house 7-21 April.. and Tyler wants to go! I'm so excited! I'm hoping that between that visit, home teachers, visiting teachers, a big ward, and military members of the Church- one thing will lead to another :)

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